Hello! Sponsors...
It is such an honor for us to have you as one of our Sponsors. Below is a list of our sponsoring options and the ways you can provide your sponsorship. We'd love to publicly celebrate your contributions to our organization. Click HERE to leave us a note as to why you became a sponsor.
Sponsor a Player
Thank you for your sponsorship!
Select a Player(s)...
Sponsoring a player(s) will allow you to assist in their participation in travel for team building and/or tournaments, new or upgraded uniforms, mentorship program supplies, and assist with any additional specialized training to get them to the next level. You may also, contribute to their college funds. Every year during our Christmas celebration a check will be presented to the parent(s) with the total amount of college funds raised throughout the year.
Click HERE to fill out Sponsorship Form
Sponsor a Team
Thank you for your sponsorship!
Select a Team(s)...
Sponsoring a team(s) will allow you to assist in their travel for team building and/or tournaments, custom uniforms for tournaments, and any miscellaneous supplies needed for the team's specific level.
Click HERE to fill out Sponsorship Form
Sponsor an Event
Thank you for your sponsorship!
Select an Event(s)...
Each year we have a range of ceremonies and special events. From acknowledging accomplishments to celebrating the holidays to hosting events that include influential individuals within our community and surrounding areas - there will be a list of a few events you're welcome to partner on via sponsorship (and your time).
Click HERE to fill out Sponsorship Form
Sponsor a Uniform
Thank you for your sponsorship!
Select a Uniform(s)...
Sponsoring uniforms is a fluid sponsorship. Uniforms can be outgrown, misplaced, updated, and customized based on the team and/or player(s). Your contributions to our uniforms will allow us to maintain the style, demand, and requests sets by our players.
Click HERE to fill out Sponsorship Form
Sponsor a Equipment
Thank you for your sponsorship!
Select a Equipment(s)...
We are forever working on bringing the best and most recent training equipment to our players and future members. We thank you for being a part of that mission.
Click HERE to fill out Sponsorship Form
Sponsor our Facility
Thank you for your sponsorship!
Select the Facility...
We are beyond excited and honored to be able to design a facility that will serve the community of interest. The facility will be the home of Each One Teach One (MD), athletes looking to train and condition, meeting spaces for every corporate and personal need, fields for games & practices, and so much more.
Click HERE to fill out Sponsorship Form